What Does It Mean To Wear A Nose Ring?
Jul 2022



What Does It Mean To Wear A Nose Ring?

The custom of body piercing has existed for thousands of years in the Middle East, Africa, India, and North America. It is part of many traditional rituals and often marks a critical moment in someone’s life, such as entering adulthood or getting married.

The definition of what does a nose ring means on a woman depends on the region she originates in, belief system, and the tradition in which she grew up. Nowadays, wearing a ring can be a part of a personal style, a current whim, or just a fashion detail. In some cases, it can have strong religious or sociological symbolism in traditional societies. Let’s see.

nose ring sets

History Of Nose Piercing


The history of nose piercings is highly fascinating. This type of art originates in Australia around 44,000 BC. The tradition of Aboriginal people to use bones for septum nose piercing has been preserved to this day.

Among some North African tribes, there was a custom of piercing the nose with animal bones or metal rings. Still, nostril piercing as it is modern today originated in the Middle East sometime 4,000 years ago. From there, this custom spread to India in the 16th century.



  • 26 Jul 2022 Diane L Lewis

    l like the noise just as a fashion look.

  • 26 Jul 2022 Alex Maitland

    This is all well and good, but why do white girls who grew up in North America or in Western Europe want to have their respective septa pierced and have inserted into the hole a ring (of the type used to lead cattle around or to keep pigs from digging), or, worse, an an object akin to a bent barbell?

    I read an article about young white women in Portland who were accused of the crime of cultural misappropriation for having the temerity to prepare tortillas in a manner that they had discovered while on holiday in Mexico; they were roundly criticised, ultimately cancelled, and effectively ejected from polite society. And yet white women who adopt the jewellery-wearing customs of various rural tribes of India and Native Australians are to be celebrated as edgy and fashion-forward?


  • 26 Jul 2022 Engjell

    People who pierce their nose are cows
    People who pierce their ears are homosexuals
    People who pierce their eyelash are on drugs

  • 26 Jul 2022 Engjell Mestanovski

    People who pierce their nose are cows
    People who pierce their ears are homosexuals
    People who pierce their eyelash are on drugs

  • 26 Jul 2022 Steve

    Whenever I see a woman wearing a nose ring that goes through the septum, I am instantly repulsed. I think it’s a terrible look and a huge turn off.

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