Aug 2022
How to choose a nose ring
Nose rings are a great way to add style and personality to your look, but they can also be a bit tricky. The right one will fit perfectly in your nose while the wrong one could fall out after just an hour. In this article, we'll go over everything you need to know about choosing the perfect nose ring!
Choose a size that will work for your nostril.
If you have a small nose, it's best to choose a nose ring that is smaller than the size of your nostril. If you have a large nose, choose one that's larger than the size of your nostril. If your nose is medium-sized and in between these two sizes, it may be difficult to find an appropriate size for yourself. However, if you buy an adjustable ring that can be stretched up or down depending on how big or small your nostril is at any given time then this problem should be solved easily!
Consider the shape of your face.
Your face shape can impact the kind of nose ring you should wear. For example, if you have a round face, a ring that adds length to your nose may help elongate it further. A longer nose ring will make your face appear wider while making it look smaller overall. A shorter nose ring can also give the illusion of making your face appear wider, but will not necessarily make it look smaller overall.
Consider your style.
When choosing a nose ring, it’s important to consider your style. If you are a minimalist, choosing a small nose ring may be best for you. However, if you are more of a boho chic, then go for something larger in size and color.
Decide how much to spend.
Now that you've decided on a type of nose ring, it's time to decide how much you're willing to spend. A nose ring is, after all, a piece of jewelry and should be treated as such. You may want to spend as much on it as you would any other piece of jewelry in your collection. You can find cheap nose rings for less than $5; however, these are often made with lower-quality materials and might not last very long or look quite right on your face.
If money isn't an issue for you (and if not, great!), then go ahead and buy whatever appeals to you most! However, if cost is an issue for you—and most people don't have hundreds of dollars just laying around—consider what kind of style statement this will make when deciding how much to spend.
Look for material that won't irritate your nostril.
There are several different materials that can be used to make a nose ring. Sterling silver will be the most popular choice, but it's not the only one. Gold is a common material as well, and titanium is also quite popular due to its resistance to corrosion. Plastic is also an option if you're looking for something cheap. Ceramic and glass are less common choices but still have their benefits: ceramics are durable and won't irritate your skin (or fall out), while glasses' lower costs mean that you can buy more jewelry for less money than with other materials like gold or titanium rings.
Wooden rings make great options for people who want something unique without spending too much money on jewelry; however, they aren't as durable as other materials because wood can crack easily under pressure from everyday activities like wearing hats or putting on coats/jackets that hug your neck area tightly (especially if they're fitted snugly over top).
Choose a size that will work for your nostril.
Here are some things to keep in mind before you go ahead and choose a size:
Choose a size that will work for your nostril. If you’re working with a nose ring that is too small, it can be painful and cause irritation. A larger piece will also be painful if it isn’t the right fit for your nostrils. There is no perfect size—if you can comfortably breathe through the piercing, then it should still work well enough!
Choose a size that fits your style and budget. The most important thing is to find something that works for you, but if there is an option between two sizes of nose rings then take into account how much money each one costs (and how long they will last). For example: You might really like this 24k gold-plated barbell but at $25 dollars per inch while another one only costs $20 dollars per inch because they were made from surgical steel instead of pure gold plating—so which do you want? If both options are within budget then go ahead and buy whichever one looks better on you!